Several months ago I saw an opportunity to apply to be part of the Physio team at the London Marathon. I hadn’t done anything like this before and decided to take the opportunity and see where I got to. As it turns out I was approved and placed at the finish line with the Medical Response Team. What an opportunity!

We had a team briefing about 10 days prior to the event and it was at this point that I truly started to appreciate the amount of organisation behind the scenes, and this was only from a medical perspective. It’s unbelievable. Volunteer teams of Doctors, Paramedics (from London Ambulance Service and St John’s Ambulance service) Physios and a Podiatrists (I haven’t event considered their involvement but of course makes total sense!). After this briefing the scale of the task I had volunteered for became a slightly daunting but very exciting reality.


It was an early start but a gorgeous sunny morning as I headed through Green Park and onto the Mall, Buckingham Palace making the perfect back drop to my office for the day. At check in, the number of volunteers helping make this event possible, both medical and non-medical, was just amazing.

Although I had been selected to be on the “finish line team”, it wasn’t until we headed to our posts that I realised this still had several sub teams that were all positioned along the Mall, but I was actually on the finish line as part of the Medical Response Team. We had a huge team of Paramedics and Doctors from St John’s Ambulance, as well as about 10 Physios and our role was to look after those who needed the most urgent medical care.


We were able to watch as the Elite athletes finished, had their time with the press and enjoyed their achievements, before things quickly changed, press were moved to the side, and more and more athletes started to come through the finish line and we very quickly became busy. It took me a few moments to find my feet and then there was literally no stopping until about 5pm when things finally slowed down.

I knew 53,000 runners were participating, but its hard to comprehend that number of people until you are stood watching them come over the finish line towards you. I was lucky enough to meet the most inspirational people, both athletes and volunteers. Our role ultimately was to keep people moving unless they physically couldn’t and needed urgent medical help. This meant I had the privilege of speaking to so many runners as they crossed the finish line, many extremely emotional, all exhausted and all proud of what they had achieved. Everyone had done the marathon for a reason, and it was a privilege to be a part of this. I was looking out for friends who were competing, some of whom I managed to see and congratulate as they crossed the finish, as well as seeing many celebrities, and I even had the opportunity to treat one very well known actress.

This was a brilliant day and I hope to be able to volunteer in the same team again next year (to the point I am rearranging our planned Easter holiday around it). I can see why so many people return to do it each year, its just a fantastic event to be part of and I was on an absolute adrenaline high for 24 hours afterwards!

Bring on the 2025 London Marathon….


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