musculoskeletal physiotherapy
We have a highly experienced team of musculoskeletal physiotherapists with a breadth of knowledge in the treatment of musculoskeletal problems.

Each member of the team has experience in treating all conditions, including:
- Back Pain
- Sciatica
- Neck Pain / Whiplash
- Shoulder Injuries
- Elbow Pain / Tennis Elbow
- Headaches
- Muscle Tears
- Soft Tissue Injury
- Joint Problems
- Frozen Shoulders
- Osteoarthritis
- Pelvic Misalignment

Treatment Modalities include:
- Accupuncture
- Electrotherapy
- Exersise programmes
- Mobilisation and Manipulation
- Pilates 1:1
- Myofascial Release
Additional Therapies include:
- Pilates Classes
- Vestibular Clinic
- Mobilisation and Manipulation
- Gym & Personal Fitness Training